

So, it's the off-season, and other than a brief foray down London-way to try the track, I have pretty much been off the bike. I've kept up with a bit of running and cardio at the gym, but nothing serious. It's pretty nice to be unstructured, and to not kill myself trying to fit a workout in. If the day fills up, and I don't have time or energy, no worries, I can get that run in tomorrow.

I need to start ramping up to more structured training, so last night, I decided to see if I like BodyPump, a weights group class at the gym.

Um, ow.

As I type this, I want to curl up and cry. It's been a while since I've done any work with weights, or done anything for my upper body. My triceps were killing so bad after the class, I honestly could hardly hold my upper body up for the ride home.

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