
with thanks

I'm still sort of wrapping up thoughts on the 08 season, and my great year was really with thanks to a number of people.

Sweet Pete's is my local shop, and a good one, at that. Friendly guys at the shop, and a nice group of people to race with. Close to home, very supportive.

DD & Ms. P are probably closer to the typical definition of "team" for me. Without the wonder couple, I wouldn't even be able to get to races - and this is before I start to get into the support, mechanics, feeds, training companions, technical tips, occasional massage and meals. There are honestly not enough ways to thank them for the ways they help me out.

There are quite a few local promoters who organize the races that we all love. We have a great series, and it's an awesome little community that grows a little every year. The most notable contributors to this community are the CXO boys, and the Midweek cycling club - I honestly think without these two, we wouldn't have half the quality training, racing, or venue to chatter during the week.

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