
birthday ride

My original plan for my birthday had been the trainer + a good movie. But a friend emailed in the morning, wishing me a happy birthday, and asking if I wanted to go out for a social birthday ride. The sun was shining... it was hard to say no.

I admit - it was cold. Like, -8C, and a bit windy. Brrr! Didn't get out of the house until just past 5, and we went west, meeting up in Etobicoke, and riding from there. I was well dressed for the cold, in fact I was wearing such a thick combination of socks, I had to take the insoles out of my shoes in order to fit my feet in! It was still great - really good conversation, beautiful sun, nice opportunity to move my legs. It was getting dark as I returned home, and I was just in time to shower and head out for dinner.

I had pins and needles in my toes as they unthawed in the shower, but I still can't think of a better activity for a birthday.

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