For some reason, it always feels hard to get things together for a weekend in Collingwood. The upside is that the only hard once we get there is the riding. Everything else – the company, the accommodation, the food… all good and easy.
The Boy and I drove up on Thursday, following a rather circuitous route via Guelph and a visit to True North. I picked up a demo hardtail for me to check how I like a squishy fork, and got my new team kit. We continued on to Orangeville, where Rachael took us for awesome sandwiches at Pia’s Bakery. From there, we continued on our way to Collingwood, via Dufferin Forest. Our plan was to get a little spin in for an hour or so, but unfortunately, it didn’t pan out. First, we realized that the demo bike would need a little more love to be set up for me to ride – more than the Boy could give in a dirt parking lot with a multitool. Second, it was really hot, and the Boy was not feeling well and didn’t think riding would be smart. Third, I was worried about getting lost if I went in by myself – I’ve only been once before, and even that was two years ago! We abandoned the ride, and finally got up to Collingwood, only needing to curse Google’s driving directions a couple of times. I had the mandatory new-team-kit-fashion-show, and we helped with dinner and trying to light a barbeque that (according to Brad*) was “broken and will explode” . Good thing we weren’t successful!
Saturday we made a big breakfast of baked oatmeal and bacon. We packed the bike stuff into the cars and headed over to 3 Stage. The riding there is so good! I’ve only been a handful of times, and each time has been great. I find it pretty challenging, but not impossible. We rode around for about an hour and a half, including a game of trading bikes – I was on Rachael’s fun new Kona, and Brad and the Boy switched rigs for a while, too.
Pop quiz: On the big squishy bike, I was having fun but having a lot of trouble adjusting to:
(a) the bouncy bouncy rear end
(b) the Gripshift
(c) the reversed brakes
(d) all of the above
Getting back on the rigid bike still took a bit of getting used to! Brad, Rach and I rode an extra hour, most of which was uphill (or at least it felt that way), with the exception of the switchbacks and super fun section immediately following it.
Back to the house for a quick bite of lunch, getting changed and grabbing the dog, and then back out the door for swimming. The beach was so nice and sunny, I think we all could have sat around for a lot longer. The only thing that managed to drag us from the waters edge was the fact that the cheese shop was closing, and we wanted asiago dip (among other tasty things). After picking up a few groceries, it was back to the house and our massive and delicious dinner was made. We took a walk after dinner and tossed a Frisbee until we had enough space for a bit of strawberry-rhubarb crumble, enjoyed during a game of Trivial Pursuit. Both Brad and the Boy are impressive in their knowledge of trivial things! Honestly… who knows the name of the visible part of the sun?!?
(Are you wondering how that all happened in one day? No wonder we were so tired when we finally crawled into bed!)
Sunday was a supposed to be more on the bikes. Brad and Rachael took us to Kolapore. It was, again, pretty hot and humid. Unfortunately, the Boy was not feeling well, and with no energy was not enjoying the ride (nor the heat). I was a little bit concerned when he walked an uphill section, but was definitely worried when he opted to walk a downhill section. In light of this, the two of us took a shortcut back to the parking lot, keeping the ride to an hour. There was a really long rocky section, and I was doing really well over it, until I suddenly seemed to just lose my concentration. That stuff is hard!
Some relaxing at the house, and then it was time to pack up the car and leave. So sad! Already looking forward to going again, and the Boy is looking forward to really riding the trails next time.
*he was still at work, and we didn't call until we'd already tried to light the bbq a few times already
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